Registration form

Global NDC Conference 2025

The international forum on NDCs, leading ambitious climate policy and action

Berlin, 11-13 June 2025

Welcome! We are pleased to have you join us at the Global NDC Conference 2025, which will take place from 11-13 June 2025 in Berlin, Germany. This year’s conference will inspire you to lead and contribute to processes and coordination that enable rapid and effective translation of strong NDC commitments into ambitious implementation and investment frameworks.

We kindly ask you to fill out the following registration form to register for the conference. Please do not fill out this form on behalf of somebody else. All fields marked with * need to be completed.

If you have any questions or would like to reach out to us bilaterally, please send us an e-mail at registration [at] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Personal details


    Please indicate your food preference*

    Do you require a Schengen Visa (for more information visit here)?*

    Is there something else you would like to tell us to make your participation at the conference more comfortable?


    What good practices, experiences, or lessons on NDC implementation and updates from your country or organization would you be able to share during the conference (this could be in conversation with other participants but also as case studies)?*

    What elements or aspects of the NDC cycle will be most relevant for you at the time of the conference in June 2025?*

    During the conference, we are inviting participants to bring their real live challenges on NDC implementation and get peer-advice to identify possible solutions to these challenges. Do you want to bring a challenge?*


    I am representing a country or organization eligible to be sponsored for travel costs by the organizers of the Global NDC Conference. (You can find the information on the eligibility for sponsoring in your invitation letter.)*

    TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION MANAGEMENT FORM - For sponsored participants only

    We kindly ask you to fill out the following travel management form so we can support the flight bookings and visa arrangement for the Global NDC Conference. All fields marked with * need to be completed. Please include a scan of the passport you will be using for travel as part of this process (please make sure that your passport is valid for at least 6 months after the conference).If you have any questions or would like to reach out to us bilaterally, please send us an e-mail at registration [at] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Personal details - Requirements for flight bookings and visa support

    I am planning to travel from the Global NDC Conference in Berlin to the UNFCCC Bonn Climate Change Conference 2025 (16-26 June 2025).*

    Data privacy

    Declaration of consent

    In order to be eligible for participation at the Global NDC Conference 2025 (11-13 June 2025, Berlin, Germany), we require your consent to the following data privacy statements. More information on the Data Privacy Policy can be found on our website:

    Public rights concerning data storage and processing


    Project Office “Global NDC Conference 2025”

    E-Mail: registration [at]
