The power of multistakeholder collaboration: results of the Global NDC Conference 2023

Global NDC Conference 2023, Berlin

The 2023 edition Global NDC Conference (31 May-2 June, 2023 in Berlin) demonstrated the power of multi-stakeholder collaboration by engaging nearly 350 climate practitioners and policymakers, from over 50 countries, to co-create solutions around the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) processes. In a collective learning experience, participants discussed and shared their insights in aligning policies, mobilising finance, and raising ambition. They had the opportunity to strengthen their capacity and network in more than 25 panels and uniquely themed breakout sessions.

Proof of the conference success is what Martin, a private sector executive, had to say about his experience: It “engenders a unique opportunity to showcase the innovative and impactful work of private markets blended finance.” Also, Silvia, a local government representative, highlighted that the event was “an enriching and valuable experience to strengthen ties with great leaders from different countries”. And Sara, one of the youth participants, said: “Still excited to have participated in the Global NDC Conference and to have been part of a group of 10 young people who were selected for our work in climate policy. It was really inspiring to share and meet more young people in climate action.

Global NDC Conference 2023, Berlin | © Jan Rottler

Since the conference wrapped up, the organising team took some time to digest all the knowledge and experiences shared during the event. We are now very proud to present you with the conference results:

Key messages

The first document compiles a series of key messages that summarise the technical discussions around the 2023 three main conference topics: policy alignment, finance mobilisation, and ambition raising. It also includes challenges, opportunities, and success factors for enhancing the quality and implementation of NDCs.

Conference report

The second document, the conference report, goes deeper into the learnings of the different panels and breakout sessions, presenting you with greater details on how to lead ambitious climate policy and action. It also highlights the contribution of over 30 initiatives, networks, and organisations, as well as key takeaways coming directly from the conference participants.

The organising team hopes that these knowledge products can serve as guidance and empower climate community readers on their road to COP28. 

Enjoy the reading!

The Global NDC Conference 2023 was hosted by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and co-organised with the NDC Partnership, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, under the International Climate Initiative (IKI).
Key messages and insights have been developed by the conference organisers as a summary of conference discussions. They do not necessarily represent a consensus view of participants, nor do they represent the official view of the sponsoring organisations.