The Global NDC Conference 2023 is all about exchanging knowledge, ideas, and experiences on NDC implementation among its participants. To build momentum for ambitious climate policy and action, it is vital to create an agile forum for the international climate community to showcase innovative ideas and to collectively reflect barriers and progress.
The conference’s organising team has come up with a set of interactive exchange formats to create a collective learning experience and make the three-day conference an enriching experience for all.
Breaking out of passive conference formats: the Breakout Sessions
The first two conference days will each feature seven thematic Breakout Sessions among which participants can choose. The sessions provide the opportunity to delve deeper into specific topics like aligning NDCs and LT-LEDS or integrating Just Energy Transition into NDCs. These are organised by different stakeholders and organizations and provide an intimate and inclusive space to get everyone engaged in interactive learning and focused discussions.
Case studies will be presented, experts will share practical knowledge, and the floor will be open for discussions and world café-style interactive sessions that will allow exchange on questions like: How can we get inspired by the experiences of other countries to develop priorities for the 2025 update cycle? Or how can financial, governance and inclusion-related barriers to increased ambition in the implementation of NDC adaptation be overcome by leveraging the adaptation planning (NAP), and vice versa? The aim of the Breakout Sessions is that all participants find the opportunity to engage with topics that are most urgent to them, fill knowledge gaps, and find inspiration.
Taking next steps through crowd intelligence with the Challenge Buster
On day two, which will focus on mobilising finance for implementation, the Challenge Buster format will give way to an intense peer-to-peer advisory process. In a 45-minute, moderated step-by-step process, six participants from different country contexts will have the chance to share a challenge or a specific problem they are facing in their work and discuss it in a small group. This is where crowd intelligence sets in: Participants with different professional backgrounds and from different countries will reflect on the problem, provide feedback from their own experiences, and propose ideas on which steps to take next – to bust the challenge.
Going deeper with the Deep Dives – and explore best practices
In a parallel track to the Challenge buster, six Deep Dives will enable in-depth engagement with representatives of six relevant climate initiatives and their respective approaches on the mobilization of and access to climate finance. Initiatives include the V20 Prosperity Plans, which intends to move V20 countries from climate vulnerability to climate prosperity, the GAIA Blended Finance Platform, aiming at mobilizing private sector capital into emerging markets for climate finance, and the City Climate Finance Gap Fund focussing on early-stage technical assistance for urban climate mitigation and resilience projects. The Deep Dive format will also provide a space for pragmatic discussions on how to share best practices on climate finance tracking and transparency.
Inspiration to go: Hands-on Innovations to scale up and raise ambition
The third and last day of the conference, focussing on “Raising ambition through innovation and scale”, will open the stage for two rounds of Innovation Hubs sessions. Within these sessions, organisations, companies, and governments will introduce innovative and scalable initiatives, approaches, and projects. The Hubs are grouped into seven thematic clusters: Digitalisation & Data, Capacity Building, Energy, Finance, Stakeholder Engagement and Inclusion, Accelerator Labs, and Multi-level Climate Action. Each participant can attend two sessions on different thematic clusters, one in the morning, and one in the early afternoon.
During the session, the presenters will give 4-minutes lightning talks followed by in-depth table discussions. Participants can dig deeper, contribute own thoughts, and connect with the initiatives to look at potential next steps for bringing them to their own country context.
The Innovation Hubs will be the last interactive format of the conference and leave you with inspiration to transform intentions into action – and go ahead to lead processes that enable just, feasible and financeable NDCs and NDC implementation.
The Global NDC Conference will be held from 31 May-2 June 2023. Learn more about the conference agenda here.